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Home » In the Kitchen » Egg serving & prep
Design In Mind, Inc.
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Specialty tools for preparing and serving classic style eggs.

Great breakfast tea and great eggs. That's how to start a great day!

Egg topper - stainless

Egg topper - stainless

Stainless steel teeth crack and remove the top of soft boiled eggs for easy serving.

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SVTOPegg topper - stainless
Egg slicer - stainless

Egg slicer - stainless

Stainless steel slicer for hard boiled eggs.

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SVEGSLegg slicer - stainless
Chicken Egg Cup and Spoon Set

Chicken Egg Cup and Spoon Set

Lovely porcelain egg cups in the shape of a chicken and matching porcelain spoons to serve hard or soft boiled eggs in style. Set includes 4 cups and 4 spoons.

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SVEGSETchicken egg cup and spoon set
Egg Spoons, set of 4 - stainless

Egg Spoons, set of 4 - stainless

Attractive stainless steel egg spoons go well with the egg cups below. Also make a nice small teaspoon.

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SVSPNegg spoons, set of 4 - stainless
1 in stock
Porcelain Egg Cup

Porcelain Egg Cup

Lovely porcelain egg cup for serving hard or soft boiled eggs. Sold individually.

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SVF6224porcelain egg cup
Perfect egg timer

Perfect egg timer

This is the ONLY way to time boiled eggs! The timer sits in the water with the eggs and works by measuring the heat being absorbed. As the timer heats, the inside changes color to indicate the level of cooking.

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KTK2689perfect egg timer
Traditional 3 minute timer

Traditional 3 minute timer

If you prefer the traditional way of timing eggs, or tea infusions, here's an attractive wood 3 minute timer! About 4 inches tall.

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KTK16traditional 3 minute timer
2 in stock